Fresh Kale is all the rage these days.
We hear so much about how it’s a superfood packed with so many nutrients, but is it really that good for you?
Firstly . . . What are the health benefits of Kale or juicing Kale . . .
What is Kale good for . . .
- Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat.
- Kale is high in iron.
- Kale is high in Vitamin K.
- Kale is filled with powerful antioxidants.
- Kale is a great anti-inflammatory food.
- Kale is great for cardiovascular support.
- Kale is high in Vitamin A.
- Kale is high in Vitamin C.
- Kale is high in calcium.
- Kale is a great detox food.

The benefits of Kale are numerous, and today it’s known as a super-food.
Secondly, Why can Kale be bad for me . . ?
Kale is among the foods referred to as goitrogenic.
These types of vegetables are said to inhibit or slow down Thyroid Function and possibly cause hypothyroidism or low thyroid function.
Medically if your TSH is above 5 your Dr may suggest going onto thyroid medication like Thyroxin.
However Natural medicine does have answers, even if your TSH is 5 or above.
That’s great news because after 2 years on Thyroxin your TSH may be ok but symptoms usually return.
Also a large number of people have subclinical hypothyroidism.
This condition occurs in 3% to 8% of the general population.(1)
It is more common in women than men, and its prevalence increases with age.
It’s time to get your latest blood test results out.
If your TSH is between 2.3 and 5 you have subclinical Hypothyroidism.
Or if you have any of the following you may have subclinical hypothyroidism.
Do you suffer from . . .
- Weight gain around the waist?
- Feeling tired, especially at 3pm?
- Waking through the night?
- Poor memory?
- Depression and irritability?
- Having no interest in sex?
- Constipation?
- Aching muscles and joint pain?
- Feeling the cold?
- Craving sugar and carbs?
- Hair loss?
- Using coffee and alcohol to lift you?
Did you Answer YES to three or more?
If so you may have an underactive thyroid gland – even if you have had ʻnormalʼ blood test results from your Doctor.
Your Thyroid

The Thyroid Gland is a major organ of the body that needs to be looked after.
The thyroid is a small gland located at the base of your neck and it's role is to produce hormones to regulate your metabolism.
Hypothyroidism impairs this process, and when the thyroid is functioning incorrectly it causes lots of issues throughout your body.
Symptoms of thyroid disease are discussed as above and the big 6 include . . .
- Fatigue
- Excess Fat
- Constipation
- Depression
- Cold hands and feet
- Hair Loss
How Does Kale Inhibit or Slow Down Your Thyroid?
Kale and other cruciferous vegetables contain a substance called thiocyanate, and a Sulphur containing compound called glucosinolates.
Both glucosinolates and thiocyanate in high concentration will interfere with iodine nutrition.
Iodine is critical to thyroid function and so large amounts of thiocyanate could lead to an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism.
Thyroid Foods to Avoid
The cruciferous vegetables list includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and mustard greens.
To be clear, these foods only affect your thyroid when they are consumed in raw form.
Cooking with Kale . . .
When they are cooked, lightly steamed . . . the risk to the thyroid is significantly reduced.
Eating Raw Kale
If you currently have a thyroid issue, it may be a good idea to leave that raw kale out of your daily smoothie.
Although kale does contain a lot of nutritional benefits, it’s not worth the risk to your thyroid function.
Those with a healthy thyroid, do not have to worry that kale will negatively impact their thyroid however it’s best to eat it in moderation.
When eating raw kale occasionally, it is recommended to eat the rainbow diet which means to balance it out with colorful foods such as Beetroot, blueberries, and squash.
So is Kale good for you?
Yes and no.
If possible, it’s best to avoid it in raw form and substitute it for other greens such as celery.
This goes double if you currently have thyroid issues.
There are many Kale recipes on how to cook with Kale and if you don’t wish to give kale up entirely, lightly steam it prior to eating it.
Taking this step will make it easier to consume and safer for your thyroid.
If you are a member of our clinic and interested in finding out if you may possibly have a thyroid challenge and you would like to know more about what the next steps are just let Wayne know at your next consultation.
Until next time,
Dedicated to Improving Your Wellbeing and Committed To Helping You Achieve Abundant Health and Wealth,
The team at Unique Health and Wellness.
Would You Like To Find Out More?
For existing members of the clinic, if you have questions or need extra support on your journey, we are here to help!
Call us on +617 5474 5354, or click here to send us an email.
For those who are not members of the clinic, there are two ways you can respond. . .
1. I would like to book in for your Free 20 Minute consultation online to ask further questions on how you can help me . . . or I will phone you on 07 5474 5354
2. I am pro-active about my health. I want to book now and I realise the consultation is normally valued at $300.00, however if I act now I will receive a substantial discount!
The information provided does not take into account individual needs of any particular person. When providing this information, it is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research. The information provided should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Unique Health and Wellness Australia is affiliated with InnerOrigin with the intention of selling non-therapeutic goods which enhance health and wellbeing. These are ancillary products which will not compromise therapeutic goals. InnerOrigin also sells TGA approved therapeutic goods, however we actively discourage our clients from substituting their prescribed natural medicines with these products. Our financial interest in InnerOrigin will therefore not influence the quality of care we provide to our clients. Our high standard of care for our clients is always our first priority.
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