The following post is #4 in our 4-part series on Memory Loss
Summing it all up . . .
Thankfully, as you will now be aware, with the help of ancient and natural medicine, exercise and mindfulness we are able to preserve this important part of our human form.
Welcome to the last blog post in our Memory Loss Series. We will summarise all we have learned, in an easy to follow guide.
Firstly, choose to begin, now! There is no better time . . .
It has been estimated that as much as one third of dementia cases could have been prevented through better lifestyle and wellbeing choices.
Some things we can all do easily at home is to include:
* Cardio exercise to increase the amount of oxygen in our brain, decrease inflammation and insulin resistance and boost the health, vitality and abundance of blood vessels and cells in the brain.
* Mindfulness to help us stay in the present and compassionately observe our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations to consciously heal many of our internal wounds, fears and traumas; and
*Make healthy food choices that are high in healthy fats, protein, antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. Such as:
- Fatty fish like wild caught salmon
- Broccoli
- Bone broth
- Beets
- Olive and coconut oil
- Avocados
- Nuts and seeds, especially walnuts
- Eggs
- Sage
- Turmeric
- Rosemary
Each of these will have us feeling lighter emotionally and physically, ie. in the brain and in the body, and may boost brain function.

pH plays a major role in our brain health, and also in the health of our body.
A pH that is too acidic creates the perfect environment for disease to thrive, including Alzheimer's and Dementia.
One way we can decrease our pH by simply breathing deeply to release CO2 and increase oxygen intake, and include more alkalising foods in our diet. As a reminder:
Foods that are considered alkaline are:
* Fruits: Apricots, apples, bananas and avocados
* Vegetables: Asparagus, broccoli and carrots
* Gluten free grains: Brown rice and quinoa
* Almonds
* Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach and kale
Acidic foods include:
* Alcohol
* Sugar
* Coffee, tea and hot chocolate
* Wheat and grains
* Beef and pork
The next step is decreasing chronic inflammation and oxidative stress so our body can actually activate and use our antioxidants, and to allow our immune system to have the space to repair our cells.
And lastly, in harmony with Ancient Medicine, we need to cleanse and heal the four filters in the order of; gut, liver, immune system and kidneys.
Each of these systems need to be working well to achieve full health and they each play a unique and important role in our brain health.
Without these imperative steps, the body may not be able to effectively begin the journey to restore our health.

The way we care for our bodies now will make a huge difference in our health in the future.
If there is one thing that we can be certain of in life, it is that You, your body and your mind are worthy of love, nourishment and care. There is absolutely no questioning it!
Choose to begin NOW . . .
Until next time,
Dedicated to Improving Your Wellbeing and Committed To Helping You Achieve Abundant Health and Wealth,
The team at Unique Health and Wellness.
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Call us on +617 5474 5354, or click here to send us an email.
For those who are not members of the clinic, there are two ways you can respond. . .
1. I would like to book in for your Free 20 Minute consultation online to ask further questions on how you can help me . . . or I will phone you on 07 5474 5354
2. I am pro-active about my health. I want to book now and I realise the consultation is normally valued at $300.00, however if I act now I will receive a substantial discount!
The information provided does not take into account individual needs of any particular person. When providing this information, it is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research. The information provided should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Unique Health and Wellness Australia is affiliated with InnerOrigin with the intention of selling non-therapeutic goods which enhance health and wellbeing. These are ancillary products which will not compromise therapeutic goals. InnerOrigin also sells TGA approved therapeutic goods, however we actively discourage our clients from substituting their prescribed natural medicines with these products. Our financial interest in InnerOrigin will therefore not influence the quality of care we provide to our clients. Our high standard of care for our clients is always our first priority.
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