Do you know your B.M.I.? – Calculate Your BMI Here!

If you don’t know your BMI or you haven’t updated your BMI recently here’s a post where you can come back to regularly, helping you to quickly and easily calculate your BMI.

Over the years BMI has traditionally been used to determine whether you are overweight.

Yes your BMI calculation is an indication, but we feel a specialized computer screening tool is a more accurate method in assessing risk to obesity because your weight is made up of mainly . . .

  1. fat
  2. muscle
  3. fluid

Our specialized computer screening tool allows us to calculate excess fat, your lean body mass or muscle and also will assess any fluid imbalances.

Back to how to calculate your BMI…

Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by this easy calculation –

For example . . .

To work out your BMI:

  • divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in metres (m)
  • then divide the answer by your height again to get your BMI

For example:

  • if you weigh 70kg and you’re 1.75m tall, divide 70 by 1.75 – the answer is 40
  • then divide 40 by 1.75 – the answer is 22.9
  • your BMI is 22.9kg/m2

Now go and get your height and weight and do the maths to find your own BMI.

Where did you fall on the scale?

Hopefully within the normal range.

If not we can help you . . . keep reading to find out more.

According to the BMI index (2), if you have a BMI of 20 – 24.9. you are considered a ‘Normal‘ healthy weight.

For adults, according to the World Health Organisation defines overweight and obesity as follows: (1)

  • overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and
  • obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30.

Does yours come within normal limits..??

If not, you need to do something NOW..!!

Even being underweight can also affect your health.

Today, unfortunately being overweight is the NEW normal.

In 2004 one in every 3 people were overweight or obese.

The link between being overweight and/or obesity and disease is being well researched.

Data from large groups of people are being analysed and statistically there is a greater chance of developing various diseases if you are overweight or obese.

For example, the risk of death rises (by 20–30 per cent) as BMI rises from 25 to 27.

As BMI rises above 27, the risk of death rises more steeply (by 60 per cent).(3)

So measuring your BMI may help save you from life threatening illness and even save your life.

On an individual level however, BMI does have some limitations in that it can be influenced by age and gender.

So that’s where our  machine comes in.

Why your weight is not as important as what your weight is made of.

Is your weight unwanted fat or unwanted fluid or both.

At Unique Health and Wellness we will supply you with all the building blocks for optimal health and to help us do this we initially use a specialised computer screening tool to analyse your BMI more accurately.


How much lean muscle and how much fat do you have?

What is your waist measurement?

What is your cellular fluid content?

What is your fat ratio?

What is your Biological age compared to Chronological age.

If we can determine your body composition, we can then assess your nutritional requirements and have a realistic estimate of where you are at present, and this is a good tool to track your progress with any weight loss or muscle gain.

To do this, as mentioned we can use a specialised computer screening tool to measure your fat/muscle/fluid ratio.


Just call us on  07 5474 5354 and book your appointment.

We do not ONLY just look at fat loss, we also address . . .

  1. how to build muscle tone if low
  2. how to lose unwanted fluid from your tissues,
  3. how to gain healthy nutrition within your cells
  4. or a combination of all.

    So your real goal is to develop a properly composed body, one supported by a lean healthy muscle mass, strong and flexible muscle tone, with enough fat for good health and a correct fluid retention in your cells and tissues.

Our programs are not just about weight-loss and
looking at symptoms, they are a prescription for health.

Our Centre looks at causes!!!

Fat loss may be a small part of the overall benefit.

Good health is the end result..!!

We are only too happy to help you keep on task with ways to improve your health so you can really enjoy your lifestyle.

Would you like to find out more?

For those who are not members of the clinic, there are two ways you can respond. . .
     1. I would like to book in for your Free 20 Minute consultation online to ask further questions on how you can help me . . . or I will phone you on 07 5474 5354
     2. I am pro-active about my health. I want to book now and I realise the consultation is normally valued at $300.00, however if I act now I will receive a substantial discount!

Don’t wait any longer – be pro-active
and call NOW on 07 5474 5354
Or CLICK HERE to Book Online!

Our friendly and professional Team can help you to start reversing your ill health and restore youthful wellbeing and vitality once again.

Dedicated to Improving Your Wellness
and Committed To Helping You Achieve Abundant Health,

From the Team at . . .






Unique Health and Wellness

P.S. Disclaimer – The information provided does not take into account individual needs of any particular person.

When providing this information it is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research. The information provided should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

